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 Ways and training methods

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PostSubject: Ways and training methods   Ways and training methods I_icon_minitimeWed Jan 29, 2014 3:10 am

Here are fifteen and chose the way of the methods and techniques of training :

A) direct dumping :
1 . Lecture .
2 . Symposium .
3 . Discussion -oriented .
4 . Conferences.
B) dialogue and discussions :
5 . Study cases.
6 . Teams dialogue.
7 . Sessions sizzling .
8 . Committees .
9 . Brainstorming .
10 . Role-play .
11 . Demonstration .
12 . Performance .
D) study :
13 . Homework .
14 . References and books.
15 . Techniques ( audiovisual ) .

1 lecture LECTURE
(A ) The concept of the lecture: The lecture is : an interview with the semi- official , in which the trainer to provide a series of facts or the facts , concepts, principles , or to explore the problem , or explain relationships .
(B ) When to use the lecture: appropriate uses of the lecture may be one of the following:
(1 ) The definition of the trainees the basics of theory and learning resources for the article .
(2) provide guidance on the procedures used in subsequent activities .
(3) clarify how to apply the rules , principles or concepts .
(4) revision or clarification or emphasis or summary.
(5) when the number of listeners great.
(6 ) When the short time available .
(C ) the advantages of the lecture: not tied to a specific number is not important as long as the speaker's voice up to the audience as they take into account the different level of students , and is also used with other means and at any stage of the show.
(D ) defects lecture:
1 . Burden on the coach alone , which is longer by dumping the material and without the participation of one .
2 . Negative trainees , where their role is limited to just listen .
3 . Lack of exchange of ideas between the trainer and trainees ; stem where all the ideas of the coach alone .
4 . Not suitable for teaching skills .
5 . Different understanding of the subject trainees to the different capabilities of each of them .

2 seminars :
(A ) The concept of the symposium : a dialogue of 30:50 minutes between the expert and the group of trainees ; , where it poses a series of questions to explore different aspects of the subject , and be notified of the characters that will be interviewed in advance the types of questions that will be asked.
(B ) the advantages of seminars :
1 . The opportunity for the trainees to put their questions to ensure that the material to be covered suit their needs.
2 . Some of the characters prefer to hold an interview with her , to be asked to do a lecture .
3 . The person who will be interviewed , but does not need to prepare a simple before the meeting ; as long as it is an expert in the area under discussion .
4 . The interview is flexible ; where you can ask the person who will meet him to expand on the subject , or to clarify a few points , or give examples .
(D ) defects seminars :
1 . Do not allow to provide detailed information ; preferring short answer direct .
2 . No sheep to provide information tidily easy to understand him .
3 . Often dealing with questions of trainees whole subject superficially , or focus on one side of a narrow aspect of the subject.

3 discussion -oriented guided discussion:
Under this method the trainer to prepare a set of questions directed to the program , and then raise these questions in a logical sequence orderly and leaves for the trainees to answer them , and then up and them to answer it, and then moves on to another question , and so is the delivery of information and knowledge and the development of attitudes and beliefs in a manner the question and discussion router , a common method and sexy , but it needs to skill and super-efficient in the management of the debate and directed to serve the goal well .

4 conferences : Conferences
A concept conferences : Conference method is used and methods of collective discussion to reach the objectives of the training. These methods include a combination of questions and answers and comments by the coach, answers and comments and questions by trainees ; directs where each so as to achieve the training objectives .
When used with the conference ? Method is used in conferences :
1 . The development of innovative solutions to problems .
2 . Stimulate interest and thinking and to ensure participation in the position where the trainee may remain negative if Congress did not use the method .
3 . Emphasis on the training of basic points .
4 . Support lectures or readings or practical exercises .
5 . Determine the extent of trainees' understanding of the concepts and principles , and to determine whether the trainee is ready to move on to new material or more advanced materials .
6 . Prepare the trainees for the application of theory or action in certain situations .
7 . Clarify points or summarize or review topics .
8 . Equip trainees to train later .
9 . Determine the progress of the trainees , and the effectiveness of previous training .
C advantages conferences ?
1 . If given a chance to express his point of view , and to hear the views of others is something exciting motivation ; Valdafieh are often high in the conference, which is a well- managed and skillfully .
2 . Because trainees participate positively in the design of training subjects , they are more convinced of the importance and usefulness of the content, as they are more committed by the problems or decisions that have been reached if the content of what may be presented to them by the instructor.
3 . Method enables the conference coach of the trainees used effectively background , knowledge and previous experience .
4 . The method allows for the coach and the participants to benefit from the experience and the product of thinking being done by all the participants .
5 . In this way, the occurrence of learning for the participant is directly proportional to the size of its participation in the learning process . Because the conference requires a high degree of participation by the trainees it helps to learn the occurrence of the best and lasting for them .
D defects conferences ?
1 . Lack of trainers who are able to manage the discussion.
2 . Most conferences require a preset in the form of specific readings and reflection and study .
3 . Needs to be a great time .
4 . The small number of participants .
5 . Level agreement requires the participants in terms of background and maturity and motivation .

5 Case Study : Case study
(A) The concept : It is the involvement of trainees in the training process ; offering them a problem or a situation or phenomenon and realistic , and ask the community analysis and access to the appropriate solution together with the pros and cons , suggestions and recommendations .
(B ) When to use a case study ? Method is used in the case study :
1 . The ability to develop in-depth discussion of the factors of weight in position.
2 . The ability to develop judgment , and critical thinking , and problem solving .
3 . Conclusion management principles .
4 . Develop the skills of human relations .
(C ) the advantages of case studies :
1 . Participation by the students .
2 . Realistic situation or problem.
3 . Ideas starting to see different aspects of the problem .
4 . Organized thinking .
5 . Keep focus .
6 . Help trainees to understand themselves in terms of the way of thinking , perception and talking and listening .
7 . More fun and interesting ways
(D ) defects study cases :
1 . You need a great time .
2 . Issue : Vaslob case study is only suitable for small groups of students .
3 . Ideal solutions .
4 . Lack of objectivity in the solutions .
5 . Underestimating the situation in the knowledge that it may not represent a reality .
6 . You need a high concentration .

6 teams of the interview:
(A) the concept of dialogue teams : in this way the number of individuals ( from 10:3) under the direction of coordinator of the dialogue team to submit their views on the subject or problem, or at certain points of a broad topic .
(B ) When to use dialogue teams : teams used in the dialogue :
1 . Select or poll , and to provide views on a moral issue or issues have not been resolved .
2 . Identify and clarify the advantages and disadvantages of a particular set of actions.
3 . Benefit from the knowledge, experience and disciplinary excellence.
4 . Generate interest for a theme or a specific problem.
(C ) the advantages of teams dialogue :
Allow a degree of engagement with large groups , which can not be achieved using any method other ways . It also provide different perspectives in addition to the differences between the figures submitted make this method a fun way to train , also offers some sort of change in the training program .
(D ) defects teams dialogue : The realization of the full benefit of using the method can not be done without the leadership of an expert . Must be available for the team coordinator dialogue -depth understanding of the subject of debate , as it should be able to deal with providers , in addition to its ability to induce a group of trainees to participate .

7 meetings sizzling : Buzz sessions
(A) the concept of sessions sizzling : and in that way the division of a large group of trainees into small groups each of which consists of six members , and given each group a problem and allows it to not minutes to discuss and prepare to submit a report on its findings to the large group .
( B) When used sizzling sessions : This method allows for the opportunity to exchange experiences and ideas in participating in a large group , it also works to identify questions , and controversial issues and problems that members of a large group wants to discuss . This method is used also for the participation of trainees who tend to remain silent, as used in the compilation of the group 's proposals to improve learning , and evaluate solutions to problems .
(C ) the advantages of sizzling sessions : This method allows for the participation of all those present and thus get feedback , making the discussion more effectively.
(D ) defects sessions sizzling : require that the commander is able to organize groups quickly , and make them start to work without loss of time , and that six minutes is not considered sufficient time to study the problems in any depth , and commensurate with this period is only addressing the problems and issues of contention is complex .

8 committees :
(A ) The concept of the committees is given to a group of trainees of between three and seven commissioned special in the form of a problem, ask the group studying the problem and access to the results and proposed solutions or a set of operational steps , and the Commission prepares a report based presenting orally to set major .
(B ) When to use the committees ? Method is used in the committees :
1 . Study or survey topic or problem .
2 . Expanding the knowledge and experience of the trainees in a particular area .
3 . Create a new product or concept .
4 . To obtain the participation of trainees in planning training activities ?
5 . Calendar of training activities .
(C ) the advantages of the committees :
1 . The division of responsibility in-depth study of the various problems would cover a larger group of subjects in a shorter time ; where all trainees benefit from reports prepared by the various committees .
2 . The work of the committees also allows to take full advantage of the talents and abilities of the team members.
3 . Finally, the way the committees allow trainees to carry out the tasks of leadership which may not be available to them in other situations .
(D ) defects committees :
1 . Committees method takes a lot of time and effort ; often take the debate much longer than necessary because of personal conflicts , or the control of a few members of the discussion, or the inability of the group to reach a decision .
2 . Usually suggests Committees easy solutions because of the need to resort to half- solutions to reach an agreement Group .
3 . Sometimes committees are given inappropriate tasks .
4 . Other times it may be required to solve the problems of the committees could have been solved at the same level or better by a single individual .

9 brainstorming ( agitating thoughts ): Brainstorming
(A ) The concept of agitating ideas :
In the way of agitating thoughts given to a small group of carefully selected a question about how to behave in a situation or a problem , then ask the members of the group to generate the largest possible number of ideas or solutions that can be generated by the situation or problem, with encouraging synergy between the ideas of the free members of the group . And write ideas on a blackboard or flipchart as fast as it is out of these ideas .
( B) When used method of agitating thoughts ?
Used method of agitating ideas for the development of new or innovative solutions to problems , and develop the capacity to innovate and push trainees to participate .
(C ) agitating the advantages of ideas .
Although it is expected to be only 10% of the ideas that are produced during the period of agitating ideas of interest , but that this percentage represents the number has considered the value of ideas , and the rapid pace of exciting period of mind is a matter of fun .
(D ) defects agitating ideas :
This method requires that the leader of the group ( the coach ) to create the conditions for a period of agitating ideas productive , as it must ensure participants' understanding of their roles , and work to move the fats Group continuously to ensure the flow of ideas . The previous tasks require skill of the commander of the group , and the productivity of the group depends on the capabilities of the participants and their understanding of the process .

10 role-playing : Role playing
(A) the concept of role-playing :
Is a way of training laboratory includes automatic representation of the position by two or more individuals under the guidance of coach , and grow the dialogue from the reality of the situation , which ranks trainees who representation . The representatives of each person to perform the role , according to feel, The trainees who are not represented , they assume the role of observers and critics , and after the representative group the discussion .
( B) When used role-playing ?
Method can be used to represent roles in the position of training that includes the interaction between two or more people . I have been using this method successfully with all levels of employees from the executive levels and even senior management levels , and can be used in a wide variety of training programs. For example, this method has been used in the areas of personal interview , and guidance , and address the problems of employment and sales , human relations , safety , conflict resolution , leadership, and negotiation.
(C ) the advantages of role-playing ?
Rotor performance by the other makes trainees aware of what is meant by this rotor for others . It also reveals the roles that represent the difference between the disposition of the trainees who claims they are saying they will do , and the actual disposal in a certain position , which results in a greater understanding of the characteristics of people and their feelings and attitudes , values ​​and abilities.
2 gives trainees a great opportunity to discover new patterns of behavior.
3 gives the opportunity for trainees to observe and imitate others .
4 captures the attention of the trainees from the outset.
(D ) defects representation roles ?
1 . Role-playing takes a long time .
2 . Trainees may feel upset when they get feedback about what they have done during their representation of the actions for the role.
3 . Not realistic roles often .

11 RD : Demonstration:
(A) The concept demonstration : the trainer in the way of actual performance demonstration of the process or work , where displays of the trainees what to do and how to do, and is used to indicate the explanation : why, where, and when it's done.
( B) When used demonstration ?
1 . Training on the kinetic processes or procedures ( how to perform something) .
2 . Training on problem-solving and analytical skills .
3 . Clarify principles (why something works the way it works ) .
4 . Training on the operation of the devices.
5 . Training on the team's style of work.
6 . Statement -level Model artistic workmanship .
7 . Training on safety procedures .
(C ) the advantages of demonstration : take a little time .
1 . Not tied to a specific number .
2 . Describes the method of demonstration vision; viewing the integrated performance of the procedure , with the clarification of the relations between the procedure and the steps to achieve the goal.
3 . Method of demonstration have attractive representative .
(D ) defects demonstration : should require a very high skill , may occur in the hardware malfunction causing the failure of the demonstration , as it requires the transfer of equipment to place the statement , was not commensurate with the cost of transport return statement .

12 malady Performance:
(A ) The concept of performance : a practical method of exercise is the way that requires the trainee 's performance under conditions of standard processes or skills that are trained on them. The performance is about learning by doing (Learning by doing).
( B) When used performance ? In general , the use of performance is the way uses the same method of demonstration ; where the method is used as a way for the subsequent performance of the method of demonstration ; training and so on kinetic processes or procedures , and device drivers , and collective skills , and safety procedures .
(D ) the performance advantages :
1 . This method gives the opportunity for trainees to apply the knowledge gained in real situations .
2 . The use of this method leads to increase the active participation of the trainees to the limit.
3 . Create method performance opportunity for the coach to note the degree of learning achieved by each trainee .
(E) The disadvantages of the disease requires the provision of a large number of devices , as well as a large number of coaches and it takes a long time .

13 assignments : Assignments
1 coach in the way of homework assigned trainees readings in books or periodicals , or cost them a draft or research , or sets them problems or exercises for training on a specific skill .
(B ) When to use homework ?
Duties are used in :
1 . Definition of trainees in a particular subject , so before eating in the classroom or in the lab .
2 . Boot of a lecture or demonstration or discussion.
3 . Taking into account individual differences in the abilities of the trainees or their backgrounds and their experiences during the previous duties.
4 . Provide an opportunity for trainees to review the material covered in class or doing exercise necessary for the development of skills or the ability to solve problems .
5 . Provide trainees with enriching educational materials .
(C ) the benefits of homework :
1 . Covering a large amount of training material in a short time .
2 . Also, this method gives trainees the opportunity to do enough exercise to ensure mastery of the skill training subject .
3 . According to guarantee the provision of content and viewpoint of the person who set up the training material rather than just the coach 's point of view .
(D ) defects homework :
1 . Require realistic high of trainees .
2 . Follow-up duties is a burden on the coach .
3 . Difficult to assess its mistakes .

14 references and books References and books:
A traditional style is important, it must be learned from books, references and periodicals , especially modern ones, as we must learn to trainee and get used to dealing with these references ; because it will remain a source of science and knowledge , and training may not be continuous and sustained per capita , but these references will remain within the reach of everyone . But the disadvantage of this method is that a lot of people do not want to read and see , and some of them feel something when you return from Amell L. These references .

15 audio-visual techniques :
One of the training methods deployed in all training institutes in the world, gathering the training material in a video or a tape or placed on slides or Chwevat , then subjected to the trainees , and should be prepared films and the police well prepared and interesting to raise the attention of the trainees , otherwise it will be these methods boring for trainees ; because the limited participation of the trainee .

Best training that uses a combination of two methods or more of the training methods . For example : the coach may use a lesson in what should be the school , then the lecture , then made ​​a statement in front of my interns , then ask the trainees to do my workout .
Source: Training of Trainers for Dr. Acro Redha , quote.
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